25.4 C
miércoles, mayo 1, 2024

La carta de Tom Yorke a Papá Noel.


Ya sabemos de la excentricidad de Tom Yorke y que todo lo que hace suele salirse de la norma, bien sea para reivindicar o para defender los derechos y la realidad que afronta un ciudadano cualquiera. Si bien lo veíamos hace poco actuando en la cubre contra el cambio climático de Paris junto a Patti Smith o posicionándose en contra de los bombardeos a Siria por parte del Reino Unido, ahora el cantante y compositor británico ha decido escribir una carta a Papá Noel.

La carta forma parte del proyecto ‘Letter Live’, con el cual se pretende recuperar la tradición en el Reino Unido de escribirle a Santa. Otros artistas que han colaborado con esta propuesta han sido Benedict Cumberbatch o Jarvis Cocker.

Por un lado resulta un poco contradictorio que Tom Yorke esté a favor de una iniciativa en la que, en principio, parece estar en primer plano el consumismo. Pero bien es cierto que Yorke se desmarca de todo esto pidiendo paz, esperanza, nieve y que no haya ningún regalo a ningún político. La ilusión de un niño, por pequeña que sea, bien merece estás palabras con el fin de apoyar una causa como esta, en la que se fomenta la escritura y la transformación de los deseos no materiales en palabras. Una vez mas, dando ejemplo.

«Dear Santa:

it is years since i wrote to you.
i hope this letter finds you well and that the snow is still continuing to fall up in lapland.

here it is mostly rain. not even jumper weather yet!
but the christmas albums are already being played in the shops. 
that must be so embarrassing for you.

i know this year you will be exceptionally busy for you.
we all expect a little too much of you now i think.
and there are so many imposters on television. even in the street.

since i wrote to you last when i was 9 i have tried to be good, but sometimes failed spectacularly.
i have also tried to do what i’m told but often have delighted in doing the exact opposite. 
but always i have tried to give love and try not to cause hurt.

dear father christmas 
what i’m saying is ..

now that i’m 47, if i have any last remaining credit with you, i have just these small requests.

that my kids have a beautiful christmas
with love and understanding and peace.
perhaps some heavy snow? that would be really great.
and can you just send the precious things that will really mean something to them? 
and can you send them some hope for the future. that is very important.

i won’t ask you to solve the problems of the human race. those are our problems alone.

but perhaps this year you would consider not giving any presents to oil company executives and the politicians whose influence they buy?

and for me? just some reading glasses.. : / the blue ones.

yours completely sincerely


p.s. thanks for the zx81 computer when i was 11. that was really wicked.»



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Pablo Quejigo
Pablo Quejigo
Mente inquieta y melómano forjado a base de viajes en el coche y mañanas dudosas de domingo.
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